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Ministry & Fellowship

Kid’s Ministry

HF Kids exists to co-labor with parents/guardians in teaching children to know God's love and truth, and to grow into the likeness of His son, Jesus Christ.​

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Youth Ministry

HF Youth exists to teach, encourage, and inspire our students to make Jesus the true Lord of their lives and seek to love Him above all else.

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Women's Fellowship

Women's Fellowship provides a safe and friendly environment that promotes relationships among our community of ladies. We have both social and outreach events, and would love for you to join us at the next one!

Contact JoAnn Nunn


Men's Fellowship

Men's Fellowship meets regularly through gatherings, like Edge, to build relationships and encourage one another in Christ. We'd love for you to join us at the next event!

Contact Coit Morrison


Local Outreach

Our Local Outreach team is focused on reaching the greater Rock Hill community to share the love of Christ. We do this through strategic outreach events and working with our local partner ministries, like the Palmetto Women's Center, United International Ministries, Hope Center, The Life House, and more. 

Contact Chris Fox

Image by Benigno Hoyuela

Global Missions

The Global Missions Team is committed to proclaiming the Gospel to every individual, here and around the world. The team guides HFC's efforts to support missionaries across multiple continents. A portion of our support comes through Faith Promise Giving. 

Contact James Moore

Hope Fellowship Church, 95 Bird Street, Rock Hill, SC 29730  |  |  Tel: 803.366.6476

 Office Hours: Mon - Thr 10am-3pm  |  ​Sunday Service: 10:45am

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©2022 by HFC. All rights reserved. 

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